Spring Break at the Beach

It was spring break and we were enjoying our own little private beach while basking in 80 degree weather. However, when one happens to be snow goose hunting in South Dakota during the middle of March, summer weather is about the last thing you hope to encounter.

thousands of migrating snow geese
Strange warm winter patterns messed with the spring migration as the geese were spread across multiple states without a snowline to slow down their migration.


Our setup seemed perfect, a nice bit of open water out front with a huge cornfield to our backs. It appeared that we had our bases covered with both water and feed readily available for the weary migrating snow geese. Yet we couldn’t have been more wrong, the sudden change in weather caught us completely off guard. As the temperature climbed to a balmy 80 degrees, we spent the entire hunt watching thousands of snow geese migrate right on past our lair on their way to Canada.


snow goose hunt, spring break at the beach
                                         Basking in the sun at the edge of our South Dakota beach


Canada geese  snow geese, blue geese, ross's geese

Canada & Specks buzzed/landed all day long                      Infrequent flock of snows and blues overhead

Don’t get me wrong, the sight and sound from thousands of migrating snow geese was truly spectacular! And the spectacle put on by the various types of dark geese and the diverse assortment of ducks that buzzed our ground blinds, was impressive in and of itself! The only thing missing was a big pile of snow geese sitting at our feet as day two came to a close.


snow goose hunt, ducks, wigeons, mallard, pintail ducks
            Had mallards, wigeons and pintails piling into the beach out in front of our decoys all day


snow goose hunt, blue goose, ross's goose
Posing with a couple of mature blue geese and a Ross' goose


Was it fun? Oh yeah, we are already making plans for next year. If we are lucky, the snow geese won’t again be spread from Arkansas to Canada.