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Another First

This year has been filled with anticipation for the upcoming hunts since my youngest recently passed his hunters education course and received his license to hunt. For the past several years, we’ve listened to our little guy blow on his duck calls all around the house, but now it was finally time for him to get out and try on a duck, for real!

calling ducks, jump shooting ducks  duck hunting, labrador retrieving ducks

   After jump shooting, we settled in for some pass shooting                            Woodie retrieving ducks


Opening day here in Utah can be quite chaotic as thousands of hunters flock to the marsh in hopes of securing a slice of public hunting ground for themselves. However, fighting the crowds for Carson’s first duck hunt didn’t exactly appeal to us, so we decided to try something a little different. We knew of a secluded area that wouldn’t hold many ducks, but it most likely wouldn’t have much, if any, hunting pressure.


first duck, mallard duck
                                                           Carson with his first duck, a mallard!


Much to our delight we arrived to find zero hunters and a decent number of ducks holding tight in the small bodies of water nearby. First we put the sneak on them for a little jump shooting, then settled in and took advantage of some pass shooting opportunities. Not only did Carson shoot his first duck, we ended up with a limit of ducks for the day!

limit of ducks
                           The boys with a nice variety of ducks...a pic with limit of the ducks taken today