Fall Birds - Birds did Fall...Part I

For our first fall bird hunt we went after turkeys. Even though the turkeys wouldn’t be gobbling like they do during the springtime, we were determined to figure them out. We spent time glassing the turkeys to observe their patterns because they definitely were wary during the few times we called after spotting them. The fall birds were acting quite differently so we adjusted our strategy accordingly.

Early one morning we positioned ourselves at the edge of a thicket where we expected the roosting birds to enter into an opening. About an hour after dawn, 5 toms slipped into the clearing a 100 yards away. Without the use of decoys we made a couple of very very soft calls, just barely loud enough to hopefully pique their interest. The toms seemed to ignore us as they fed out and away. But clearly we did get their attention because the curious assembly began to circle up and around and then back towards us. As the turkeys approached, they dipped out of sight into a small depression. But based on their current trajectory they’d pop up over the rise about 35 yards away.

 five tom turkeys 

                               The 5 toms circling up and around toward us

Anxiously we waited. However after a while we became concerned that the bunch had snuck away so I rose without standing up as high as possible trying to get a glimpse over the knoll. There very near the peak of the hill I spotted a couple of red heads. Slowly I slumped back down anticipating a shot opportunity at any moment. Several minutes passed without the hint of an approaching turkey. Unfortunately the turkeys must have seen me just as I spotted them because we finally saw the group in the distance marching in the opposite direction.

In the afternoon we headed right back to the tree-lined edge where we started earlier that morning. This time luck was on our side as we surprised a turkey that was just emerging from the brush as we approached. At 10 yards from us we bumped the bird which immediately flew, but Daxton was on it in an instant and dropped the turkey mid-flight!

 turkey hunting ambush  Rio Grande turkey

                  Waiting for the turkeys to circle back                                   Surprised emerging turkey, got it!

Next up was Carson who would arrive the following day. Daxton and I met Carson down in town and minutes later the boys were headed up the canyon where I planned to meet them later. On the drive in Daxton spotted a flock of turkeys down in a ravine right off the dirt road. Carson hurriedly pulled his truck to the side, slammed it into park, grabbed his gun and the boys were off. Had I been there, I would have questioned the likelihood of success with this run and gun strategy. Within five minutes Carson and Daxton had dropped off into the hollow, crossed the creek and had scrambled 50 yards up the other side. After pausing for ten seconds to catch their breath, Carson noticed movement 20 yards through the oak brush, turkeys! In an instant Carson shouldered his 12 gauge and dumped his turkey!

 Rio Grande turkey  doves and pigeons

      Surprised to see the boys already with a turkey                         Nice little pile of doves/pigeons

Next came the dove hunt. Compared to years past, the opening weekend was slow. We did have a great time and ended up with a total of 16 birds, just barely enough for a decent sized meal.